UNECE to create standard approach to assess EV capacity for rapid recharge

News, 17 January 2025
The number of electric vehicles (EVs) sold has increased recently, but potential users and interested buyers remain skeptical about EVs’ long-distance usability and recharging behavior. The concern being- “How many kilometers one can go with an EV fast recharge in a specific time?
Moreover, the measurement methods are not standardized, and this data is not generally accessible. Therefore, UNECE has committed to creating an internationally standardized process for evaluating EVs’ rapid recharging capabilities and determining how to convey this information to owners, customers, and the general public.
In order to guarantee uniform circumstances for the measurement and a reliable and repeatable test, UNECE will create a standard method for measuring the fastest recharging power curve of EVs using direct current. Additionally, a specific consumer information package will be created to make it simple to evaluate EV charging speeds.
It is anticipated that lawmakers, automakers, recharging station operators, and other interested parties in the field of EVs would use this methodology as a voluntary standard.
More reliable data on EV recharging capabilities would help grid operators make better predictions and may reduce the need for big EV batteries if vehicles are equipped with a dense network of recharging stations and quicker recharging speeds.
The distribution and accessibility of recharging pools, stations, and points, as well as any gaps that still exist, are clarified by a recent UNECE analysis of the EV recharging infrastructure throughout UNECE nations, which was produced in collaboration with Eurostat and the International Transport Forum. This analysis will enhance knowledge of how EV recharging infrastructure and capabilities are changing, as well as what needs to be done to support the expansion of electric mobility, in addition to the proposed methodology.
The Sustainable Energy Division of UNECE, the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE), and the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5) are expected to collaborate to develop the methodology by the end of 2025 under the auspices of the UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29).
The UNECE Electric Vehicles (EV) initiative focuses on advancing the adoption and integration of electric vehicles in the European region. Within the framework of sustainable transport, UNECE facilitates discussions and collaborations among member states to enhance EV infrastructure, standards, and policies.
Key elements of UNECE’s work on EVs include developing regulations for vehicle emissions, safety, and performance, as well as promoting best practices for electric mobility. The organization also addresses issues related to charging infrastructure, battery technologies, and lifecycle management to ensure the environmental sustainability of EVs.
Moreover, UNECE works to encourage investment in electric mobility and provide guidance on the transition towards low-emission transport systems. By fostering cooperation among governments, industry stakeholders, and civil society, UNECE aims to support the broader goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable urban development.