Green Hills Software welcomes Argus Cyber Security into its rich ecoSystem of automotive partners

Green Hills Software, the worldwide leader in embedded safety and security, and Argus Cyber Security, a global leader in automotive cyber security, announced the membership of Argus Cyber Security into the Green Hills ecosystem of best-in-class technology providers.
The partnership follows a successful automotive customer collaboration in which the Argus Control Flow Integrity product has been jointly integrated to work with Green Hills Software’s industry-leading optimizing C/C++ compiler. The joint solution will be securing safety-critical ECUs in vehicles of a major European OEM starting in Calendar Year 2021. As vehicles become increasingly dependent on software and connectivity, their exposure to cyber-attacks increases. Leveraging the existing security and safety capabilities of the Green Hills C/C++ Compiler, the Argus Control Flow Integrity integration supports AUTOSAR classic devices running on the Renesas RH850 processor family, providing protection from cyber attacks such as buffer overflows with zero false positives.
“By optimizing Argus Control Flow Integrity for the Green Hills Compiler, we have succeeded in reducing the complexity and time involved for automotive software developers to enhance cybersecurity in their platforms,” said Nir Rozen, VP Product Management, Argus Cyber Security.
“We are excited to be working with Argus Cyber Security and have them join our rich ecosystem of best-in-class technology providers,” said Chris Tubbs Business Development Director EMEA, Green Hills Software.
Argus Control Flow Integrity is one layer in Argus’ multi-layered Connected ECU Protection and Argus Core ECU Protection product offering. Compliant with ISO 26262 ASIL B, Argus Control Flow Integrity protects also safety-critical ECUs in the vehicle, such as braking, ADAS and more, from cyber-attacks. In addition, Argus Control Flow Integrity will work with ECUs running high-level operating systems, AUTOSAR Classic, and bare metal ECUs.
Green Hills Compilers have led the embedded industry by generating the fastest, smallest, and most reliable code for over 35 years. Certified to ISO 26262 ASIL D, they are heavily used in safety systems and ECUs running bare metal, AUTOSAR Classic, OSEK, or higher-level operating systems. Green Hill Compilers provide support for C, C++11, C++14, C++17, Embedded C++ and GNU C/C++ extensions across a broad range of processors.