Lytx® + HD Fleet team up to help parcel delivery service providers meet rental vehicle safety policies

Lytx Inc. and HD Fleet unveiled a portable video event data recorder (VEDR) for use in rental trucks deployed by parcel delivery service providers.
Parcel delivery contractors, including linehaul and pickup and delivery, often need an approved portable VEDR device installed in their rental vehicles to meet their contractual obligations. Lytx, whose VEDR technology meets corporate safety policy standards, is partnering with HD Fleet to help truck owners identify risky behaviors and coach their drivers to improve safety.
“As we move into the peak delivery season, we support our customers’ efforts to be as safe and efficient as possible,” said Jim Rice, Lytx’s vice president and commercial leader. “Through our efforts with HD Fleet, parcel delivery contractors have an effective, convenient, and affordable option to meet their portable VEDR policies.”
VEDRs play a critical role in helping to avert accidents and alerting drivers and fleet managers of risky driving behaviors. The Surfsight AI-12 portable VEDR features advanced Lytx technology and is sold by HD Fleet, a top GPS fleet tracking technology provider.
“We’re delighted to be working with Lytx to offer the Surfsight AI-12, a plug-and-play camera that makes it simple for contractors to meet their rental vehicle safety requirements,” said Scott McCurdy, HD Fleet’s chief executive officer. “Not only is it the most advanced technology on the market today, but it’s also the right solution at the right price for our customers.”
Lytx is a global leader in video safety, protecting an estimated 1.4 million drivers, including 34,000 linehaul and pickup-and-delivery drivers. Lytx technology and in-cab alerts help prevent avoidable incidents, thereby saving fleets money on claims. The Surfsight AI-12 VEDR can capture in-cab and road-facing video to help with training and exoneration, providing fleet managers fast, on-demand access to video footage when they need it, subject to cellular connectivity. Using advanced machine vision and artificial intelligence, the Surfsight AI-12 can detect the use of a handheld device, eating, drinking, and smoking while driving, inattentive driving, and not wearing a seatbelt – coaching drivers in real-time to operate more safely.
“The Surfsight AI-12 device is easy to install, features an intuitive LCD touch screen, and is equipped with Lytx’s state-of-the-art machine vision and artificial intelligence (MV+AI) technology to detect and deter driving risk,” said Adam McCarty, senior vice president of Lytx’s channel and international business. “We’re excited to be working with HD Fleet to make it available to package delivery service providers as of today.”