Vehicle Telematics

Parkopedia announces production version of indoor mapping services

Parkopedia has announced the launch of the production version of its indoor mapping technology for in-vehicle navigation use. Indoor maps are based on high-definition 3D models of indoor parking facilities, where GPS signal is typically restricted.

Parkopedia’s indoor mapping technology can be used to deliver the following key use cases:

1. In-vehicle indoor navigation – no GPS dead zones
2. Precise indoor positioning – locate your vehicle
3. Automated Valet Parking – self-parking cars require indoor maps

EV Charging

Parkopedia has developed ‘as built’ indoor maps based on current layouts, as opposed to ‘as designed’ when EV chargers and other services were not featured in the original plans. This gives drivers the most accurate and fresh view of parking spaces and EV chargers, enabling seamless navigation regardless of GPS availability or on-site signage.

Future Plans

Parkopedia’s indoor mapping solution supports common industry mapping formats required to deliver a superior end-to-end navigation user experience. For self-driving cars that will go on sale in the near future, indoor maps will enable Automated Valet Parking, which will be one of the first use cases due to high driver demand, slower driving speeds and controlled environments inside parking facilities.

Parkopedia has already mapped key parking facilities across Europe, with coverage increasing daily. In the coming months, Parkopedia will expand this coverage into new regions to cater to growing OEM and driver demands.

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