Connected VehicleVehicle Telematics

Transport & Logistics Sector to Fuel Thailand’s Connected Trucks Telematics Market announces the release of the report “Transport & Logistics Sector to Fuel Thailand’s Connected Trucks Telematics Market.”

In 2015, Thailand’s Department of Land Transport (DLT) introduced a program that mandates 6-wheel or above vehicles to install a telematics system, a driver card reader, and a driver monitoring system to verify the identity of the driver and monitor road safety practices. Data will be linked in real-time to the DLT’s Transport Management Centre.

All public transportation vehicles and 10-wheel vehicles now must have telematics equipment, but the COVID-19 pandemic delayed expansion of the mandate to medium-duty trucks including the 6-wheeler segment until after 2021. Thailand’s telematics market is well prepared for advanced technologies and state-of-the-art features such as advanced driver assistance systems and mobile digital video recording systems with quad high definition and ultra-high definition integrated with vehicle tracking and driver monitoring. This study reports the findings of a 2020 survey about the use of telematics and fleet management systems in commercial vehicles used for transport & logistics and postal & delivery services in Thailand. It provides additional analysis on customer perceptions, switching potential, and willingness to pay for services.
Author: Mugundhan Deenadayalan
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